Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My outlines are obsolete

The outlines for books 5-8 need to be totally reworked.  On the one hand, I hate that I so badly missed the mark of where I wanted the series to go.  On the other hand, those preliminary outlines helped shape the series just enough for me to get it rolling good and proper.  Mixed feelings.

Here's an interesting anecdote: I was working on the book 4 outline last night, but I needed to remember some detail or other, so I brought up Mind Games and started using the "find" feature to find what I was looking for.  Well, I ended up at the barn scene, and before I knew it, it was several minutes later and I hadn't accomplished anything productive.  I had allowed myself to get swept up in the action.  And I wrote the darn thing!  It's not like the outcome was a surprise or anything.  But it still grabbed me as if I was reading it for the first time.  Crazy how the brain works.

I had a reader tell me recently how much she enjoyed Mr. Wilson.  It made my day.  If you've enjoyed something you've read recently, consider letting the author know.  That sort of praise from readers really does make a difference.

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