Friday, March 8, 2019


Well, I still have a sinus infection.  It's not any worse than it was on Monday, but it's not any better, either.  Hopefully my antibodies will get their act together soon and knock this thing out.

Sometimes my eyes get watery as a result of being sick, and when that happens, I can't use the computer.  That's in addition to the fact that my brain isn't running in top gear.  So my writerly progress is still mostly stalled.  I hate it--I'm itching to start the next draft, dadgummit--but it's sort of out of my hands.  I'm at the mercy of my own biochemistry.

Clouds of Venus is once again permafree on Kobo.  I know it seems like I'm being kind of scatter-brained as far as my pricing strategy on this retailer is concerned, but I simply can't figure out how to get steady sales there.  I've got momentum going on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and perhaps Google Play, but Kobo is still an enigma to me.

I've picked up a bunch of followers on Bookbub in the days since the Featured Deal.  A number of Bookbub members have also recommended Clouds of Venus, and that's pretty awesome.  I'm getting new notifications of this sort every day.  I appreciate all you guys, and thanks for supporting my work.  :)

In spite of my illness and my brain and body working at reduced capacity, I've managed to give some thought to book titles for the rest of the Wheel of Fire series.  I've had working titles for all eight books since the beginning, but a working title isn't necessarily the one you want to go with when it's time to publish.  That's why I've been careful to not mention those titles publicly until after the book is available.  I won't know for sure about any of the new titles I've thought up until I can play around with book covers in Photoshop and see how they look.

Last year, the winter months were the most dismal part of the year as far as sales and free downloads went.  The action picked up in late April and was fairly good through the summer and early fall.  I'm curious to see if a similar pattern will play out this spring.

That's all for now.  Thanks for reading, folks.  :)

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