Saturday, March 30, 2019

Pollen season has begun

I'm not usually bothered by pollen.  This time, though, there's a "thick" feeling in my head and neck, and I suspect it's my lymphatic system trying to deal with the pollen.

I really don't want to get sick for the second time in a month.  Let's hope this stuff blows over quickly.

On the plus side, the weather has warmed, and once the pollen dies down, it'll be comfortable to sit outside and enjoy the great outdoors.

Thanks once more to Kobo's customer service for being so helpful and accommodating.  I've made a few sales of each book in this weekend's promotion.  If any of those readers are reading this, I hope you enjoy the Wheel of Fire.  And there's more of it to come, so stay tuned.

I found an article recently that I thought was fascinating.  It's about a community of Russian Old Believers living in Alaska.  Check it out:

I've also been reading up on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.  It's a big snowball, basically.  It looks like Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back.

It's also geologically active and experiences "cryovolcanoes."  Pretty cool, huh?

That's all for now.  Later, folks.

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