Thursday, October 24, 2019


Had another migraine today.  I'm currently in the "hangover" stage, so I'm not back to normal yet, but I can somewhat function so long as I don't exert myself too much.

All I've had to eat was a bowl of cereal which I promptly vomited up later.  I'm currently drinking a Sprite in the hopes of putting a little sugar and calories into my body.

My head still hurts a little, though not too bad.  I took some pills about an hour ago when I was certain I was finished with the vomiting.

Naturally, I've been completely useless today.  No words written or edited or anything of that sort.  Maybe I can produce a little after I publish this blog post.

I will say this, though: the word count for book 4 is currently at 82,253.  That's a few thousand more than the first draft, so I'm making progress.  I've been incorporating my notes, so this part of the revision is more of the "fixing inconsistencies and plot holes and whatnot" than actually fleshing out what's already there.  That part comes next.  When I write a first draft, I tend to focus on action and dialog, and the result is kind of a choppy manuscript.  I have to go back later and add stuff to smooth it all out.  Once I'm done adding in my notes, then I'll proceed to the smoothing stage, and that should see the word count increase at a faster rate.

I've said before that my target was for a finished product of 100k-110k words, and I'm still on track for that.

Also, I just had an idea occur to me for how to work through an important plot point in later books, so I'm calling that a breakthrough.  Yay for me, right?  :D

Silver linings, folks.  Silver linings.

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