Monday, October 15, 2018

Wikipedia dreams

I've always been intellectually curious.  That can sometimes be a peril, particularly when I'm browsing Wikipedia.  Sometimes I'll start on one page, but then I'll get sucked into the various links, and before you know it, I've got a dozen Wikipedia pages open in various tabs and I'm reading about something I never intended to read about just a few minutes ago.

My conscious mind loves new information.  Like I said, I'm intellectually curious.  My subconscious mind, though, my id, doesn't like having so much new stimuli stored in my head.  And my id gets its revenge when I slip into sleep.  That's when all the stuff I was just reading about gets mashed up into a horror show.  Yes, my id gives me Wikipedia-inspired nightmares out of spite.  Bad id!  Bad!

If I could remember all my nightmares, I'd have enough story material for the rest of my life.  And it would be the craziest, awesomest stuff, too.  But I rarely remember.

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