Sunday, December 2, 2018

Thanks, readers!

Patty Jansen's latest promotion is winding down--it's still December 2 in some parts of the world--and the results have been better than I expected.  This time last year, I saw a real lull in sales and downloads, presumably due to Thanksgiving and everyone being busy with Christmas shopping, decorating, and all the other stuff that goes on.  I've been anticipating something similar this year, and I had tempered expectations this time.  But I've been pleased with this weekend's promotion.  Thanks, everyone.  :)

In other news, I opened a new tab in my browser a little while ago.  I was going to google something.  Then I remembered a chore I had to do, so I stepped away from the computer for a few moments.  When I returned, I couldn't for the life of me remember what I was going to google.  There was just a blank white page with a search box mocking my memory lapse.  *sigh*  Ah, well... it'll either come back to me, or it won't, I guess.

That's all for now.  Thanks for reading, folks, and thanks for supporting my work.  :)

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