Monday, December 17, 2018

Closing out the year

I've got the presents for the niece and nephew wrapped.  That's the good news.  Unfortunately, the stuff for my parents might not arrive in time for Christmas.  I think I screwed up the shipping when ordering.  *sigh*

The current work-in-progress is coming along, but it's crawling.  I'm embarrassed by how long this thing is taking.  I'll endeavor to do better for book 4.

On the plus side, book 3 will be the longest book I've published, and the war gets cranked up in earnest, so it's got a lot of action.  It's space opera, but this one has a mil-SF feel.

Just finished a couple of Kobo promotions.  Made a few sales on what is normally a dormant retailer for me.  And I've got another promo with them that just started, so hopefully I'll get some sales there, too.  Thanks for the promotional opportunities, Kobo.  :)

Overall, the holiday season has slowed sales a bit.  They seem to have picked up in recent days, though, so maybe folks are getting all their decorating and shopping finished.

Looking forward to a productive and lucrative 2019.  :D

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