Thursday, October 6, 2022

Tentative measures

I knocked down three Joro webs and killed two spiders.  They were in my way, so they simply had to go.

The silk is very strong, stronger than I anticipated.  Instead of just waving a broom at the web and easily sweeping it away, I had to sort of hack at it.

I might have gone on to take down a few more webs, but I got the willies something fierce, so I had to stop.  You can't fight the willies, man.

I watched a male Joro groom his female mate.  Or that's what it looked like, anyway.  Fascinating stuff.

I'll get around to knocking down more webs eventually.  I can't have trick-or-treaters running into them, after all.  For the time being, though, I'm content with the tentative measures I've taken.

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