Saturday, October 29, 2022

R.I.P., Killer

Jerry Lee Lewis has passed away at the age of 87.

Nicknamed "the killer," he was one of the trailblazers of rock and roll back in the 1950s.  His life and career were turbulent, and I won't rehash the drama here.  Instead, let's remember the talent and the music and celebrate the man's contributions to culture.  He was a legend, and he'll be sorely missed.

R.I.P., Jerry Lee.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Rough week

It started Sunday night...

I was doing some handyman stuff, and I dropped a screw behind my workbench.  I got down on my hands and knees to look for it.  While down there, I managed to jab myself in the eye with the handle of my bench vise.  My contact lens popped out, and my eye hurt for several minutes afterward.  I don't think the contact was damaged.  My eye didn't look injured when I examined it in the mirror, so I figured I'd simply wait and see rather than go to a doctor.  I've only worn my glasses this week to give the eyeball a chance to heal.  There was a slight bit of stinging on Monday, but it wasn't bad.  I think it's going to be fine, and I'm going to try wearing my contacts tomorrow.

On Tuesday night, I had a migraine headache.  All night.  Well into Wednesday, too.  My headache mostly subsided later on Wednesday, but I still felt tired and weak and a little queasy.

I'd like to feel normal on Thursday.  And wear my contacts, too, so I can actually see things.  I've got a social engagement this weekend, and I'd like to be... well... sociable rather than zombie-like.

On the plus side, there's lots of fall color here at the moment.  The sourwood tree is particularly striking, full of bright-red leaves.  It's actually been a pretty nice fall so far.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Tentative measures

I knocked down three Joro webs and killed two spiders.  They were in my way, so they simply had to go.

The silk is very strong, stronger than I anticipated.  Instead of just waving a broom at the web and easily sweeping it away, I had to sort of hack at it.

I might have gone on to take down a few more webs, but I got the willies something fierce, so I had to stop.  You can't fight the willies, man.

I watched a male Joro groom his female mate.  Or that's what it looked like, anyway.  Fascinating stuff.

I'll get around to knocking down more webs eventually.  I can't have trick-or-treaters running into them, after all.  For the time being, though, I'm content with the tentative measures I've taken.