Sunday, August 23, 2020

Double hurricanes?

Probably not.  Marco has been downgraded to a tropical storm.

But both Marco and Laura are still projected to hit the Gulf coast the same week.

Article from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Now, ordinarily I wouldn't worry too much about this.  After all, these are relatively weak storms, and I live in the northern part of Georgia anyway, so any hurricanes that come this way will have been weakened enough so that they're not much different from any other heavy rainstorm.

However, this is 2020.  We've already seen all kinds of crazy stuff.  Biblical stuff, like "ten plagues of Egypt" stuff.  I'm not discounting anything right now.  Aliens could arrive and ship us all off to work in the salt mines of Zeta Reticuli, and that wouldn't surprise me one bit.

So we'll see what happens.  Maybe it'll be no big deal, and we all escape with minimal damage.  Or maybe these two storms will join together to make a giant Sharknado.  Even odds either way, I figure.  Because 2020.

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