Sunday, August 18, 2019

Plumbers earn every penny

I just got done unclogging my bathtub drain.  I used a marvelous invention called a Zip-It.  It's a plastic thing with little barbs on it that grab the hair on the way back out.  It absolutely works on hair clogs, though if your clog is sludge only, with little or no hair mixed in, then this probably isn't the right tool for your clog.  The Zip-It is a one-time-use tool, because the little barbs tend to break off as you use it.  They're cheap, so get a few and store them away for when you need them.

The good news is that, thanks to the Zip-It, I succeeded at the task.  The drain is unclogged now, or at least it's a lot less clogged than before, because the water is moving through it noticeably better.  The bad news is that it's still plumbing-related stuff, a disgusting job, and I hate doing it.

I could never be a plumber.  I admire those guys; I really do.  They spend their days up to their necks in other people's effluvia.  They tolerate the most vile stuff imaginable, and they do it day in and day out.

Plumbers are the unsung heroes of civilization.  Without them, we'd be back to carrying water up from the creek and using outhouses.  They make first-world living possible.

Thanks, plumbers of the world, for doing a dirty but eminently valuable job.


  1. Yes, indeed. I often think of all the jobs that so many of us would hate or are dangerous--and thank God for the men who do them. Thanks for the tip on the Zip It--my cats like to sit in the tub and sink and my husband is always unclogging those drains.

  2. You're welcome. It really does get the job done on hair clogs.

    Of course, after unclogging the drain, I then had sludge all over the tub, so I had to clean the whole thing. But it needed to be cleaned anyway, so it's all good. :)
