Monday, June 4, 2018

Progress report

I wrote 800 new words for book 3 (second draft).  This scene wasn't part of my original outline, so I had to stop and think multiple times about how I wanted to proceed.

I'm getting close to having all my notes from the first draft incorporated into the second one.  Again, though, some of this stuff means writing scenes I haven't outlined, which means it's slow going because I have to think it all through.

Once those notes are done, I'll re-write the whole thing in a line-editing fashion.  That'll take a few weeks at least.  So I won't have this thing published by midsummer, but maybe I can get it out before Labor Day.  And, of course, one never knows when life will throw a wrench into the machinery of one's plans.  Let's hope that doesn't happen.

But I'm making progress, and the book is slowly taking shape.  Stay tuned.  :)

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