Monday, September 16, 2024

Wild swings

We've seen some dramatic moves in the stock market recently, both bullish and bearish.  That sort of whipsaw can be tough to get a read on, and I'm not sure what to make of it myself.  The market seems a bit schizophrenic, frankly.

Commodities have been more clear-cut.  Gold made new all-time highs last week, and oil hit a 52-week low.  Each commodity's direction is obvious.

Oil won't fall forever, because the modern world is dependent on it, but it might fall a bit further yet.  I could see it potentially going to fifty or so before heading back up.  Low oil prices are a good time to buy oil-related stocks at a discount, so don't miss out.

Gold will continue climbing, because why shouldn't it?  Inflation hasn't stopped, nor has global de-dollarization, nor have central banks stopped buying gold.  All these factors and more conspire to push gold higher.

The elephant in the room, of course, is the Fed's meeting this week.  An interest rate cut is expected by pretty much everyone; the only question is how big the cut will be.  I personally think there's a non-trivial chance of no cut at all.  I think Jay Powell might do his "Lucy with the football" routine yet again.  If Powell's in a proxy war with the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank, as some commentators believe, then it's not time to cut rates yet.  Not until the opponents cry uncle good and hard.

Finally, there's the fact that this is September, a historically bad month for stocks.  If there's going to be a crash this calendar year, then September and October are the best bets.  A Fed surprise this week might just be the trigger.

Mission success

Congratulations to SpaceX and everyone involved with the Polaris Dawn mission.  :)

Yeah, I think "first private spacewalk" is a pretty cool line to have on one's resume.

Next up is Mars, I guess.  Elon already laid it out:

After the uncrewed tests, Musk wants to have crews onboard a Starship mission to Mars in about four years. The “flight rate will grow exponentially from there, with the goal of building a self-sustaining city in about 20 years,” added Musk.

A city on Mars in twenty years.  Wildly ambitious, yet I know better than to doubt the man.  He's like Howard Hughes crossed with Tony Stark.

I just hope there's a train to carry ice miners to and from the polar cap like in my book.  Every planet needs a train.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Joro proverb

 Decided to try my hand at an old-fashioned-style farmer's proverb:


When Joro spiders first appear

College football season's here

When Joro spiders rule the land

Halloween is close at hand

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Polaris Dawn is under way

Successful launch on Tuesday.  Mission is proceeding.  :D


Polaris Dawn will attempt its historic spacewalk on Thursday (Sept. 12) at 2:23 a.m. ET (0623 GMT), SpaceX wrote in a mission description on its website.

Looking forward to it.

And as a child of the 1980s, I'm still hoping to see some Colonial Marines with pulse rifles at some point.  Elon, can you do this for us?  Pretty please?