...and I'll be glad when it's over. Can I get 2019 back? Pretty please?
The good news is that I've stayed ahead of my seasonal chores to a lot better degree than usual. Christmas shopping, leaf removal, and so on. I'm pleased with my accomplishments in that regard.
The bad news is that I haven't written much at all. I really need to give myself a good kick in the pants about this.
The other good news is that some of my health issues have resolved over the last few months.
The other bad news is that I've fallen out of the exercise habit yet again.
The other other good news is that I don't think global hostilities will break out until after the February Olympics, so we've got a couple of months of peace, or so I'm betting.
The other other bad news is that I fully expect a major war to break out some time next year, probably in late summer, but possibly earlier.
So there we are.
In any event, I hope you all are doing well and living satisfying lives, and I hope you have a great Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever season. Make sure to get together with family and/or friends at some point, because that's the sort of thing that can keep you sane in a world that is doing its best to drive you batty.
And read a book at some point. Preferably one of mine. ;)