Friday, May 15, 2020

Miscellaneous update

Well, the weather has finally warmed up for more than a couple of days in a row.  It looks like summer might finally be strong enough to hold off winter's dying gasps.  I mean... it's mid-May in the Deep South.  It should have been like this a month ago.  *sigh*

I've begun a woodworking project and a metalworking project.  I've bought several tools recently, thanks to my Trump Bux, and I'm going to try to make some things that aren't too crude or ugly to just throw away in disgust when I'm finished.  I'm not a craftsman by any means, so it will be a challenge.  *fingers crossed*

I heard an owl last night.  It was a Barred Owl, a common species in this region.  It was pretty cool.  I don't get to hear owls hoot very often.  Now if only I could train him to eat some of the buzzards that plague the neighborhood...

I had a weird dream recently.  I was in an enormous building, sort of like an airport concourse, except the inside looked more like a castle, or maybe like the great hall of Moria from The Lord of the Rings.  I was running to gather my stuff in order to save it from being destroyed, because Godzilla was on the way.  Yes, that Godzilla.  I ran back the way I came with my stuff in my arms--I don't remember what that "stuff" was--with the thumps of the monster's footsteps shaking the place like the T. Rex in Jurassic Park.  Once I made it to safety, the scene shifted, Godzilla vanished, and then I had to deal with zombies.  I had to wrestle a few of the zombies in order to break free, and then I was on the run again.  Like I said... weird.

Got a new pair of boots.  First new boots in about a quarter century.  I'd forgotten how stiff new boots could be, so for the next several months, I'll probably wear them whenever I go anywhere in order to break them in.  They're handsome, though, and I like them a lot.  They have that wonderful new-leather smell.

That's all for now.  Y'all be careful out there, what with the virus and all.

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