Sunday, November 4, 2018

Another ant bite

At least this one's not on my hand.  I can use the keyboard without difficulty.  I'm having allergy issues, though, so watery eyes and runny nose are happening.  But when I can see, I can type.

The bite's on my foot, and now several square inches of the top of it are inflamed.  I've got an ice bag on it right now.

I really don't understand it.  These aren't fire ants or anything of the kind.  They're just ordinary little brown ants.  But they've got a real attitude problem, because as soon as they get on me, they chomp down.  And the only thing that helps the stinging and itching is ice.

Maybe I'll write a story where ants are the villains.  I mean, I need to get some kind of revenge, right?

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