Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Strange recurring dream

I'm driving down a road through the woods.  I come to a turn-off on the right that goes a few feet before stopping at a warehouse entrance.  If I keep going straight, the road ends at a swamp, and there's only a narrow pedestrian bridge over the water.  By "narrow," I mean less than a foot wide.  And there are alligators in the water.  There's a significant maze I have to traverse in order to make it through Gator Country alive.

If I enter the warehouse, I find myself on an upper level--like a maintenance catwalk or something--and there are bad guys on the lower level.  They'll kill me if they see me.  And they always see me, forcing me to run in the dark.

Either way involves risk.  The dream ends before it's resolved.

I've had this dream twice now that I can remember.  I have no idea where it came from.  My dreams are usually just mash-ups of events in my life.  For example, if I've been to the dentist recently, ate a rack of ribs for lunch, and read about a house fire on the internet, then I might dream about a dentist trying to kill me with a rib bone while chasing me through a burning house.  That sort of thing.

But this current dream doesn't make any sense to me.

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