Monday, April 1, 2019

First hummingbird

Saw the first hummingbird of the season today.  :D

If you don't have a hummingbird feeder, then you don't know what you're missing.  Those things are fun to watch.  My advice would be to get the kind that has a place for the birds to sit while they drink.

And if you see a praying mantis on a hummingbird feeder, get rid of it.  (The bug, not the feeder.)  Mantises are cool insects, but they also stalk and kill hummingbirds.  Not kidding.


  1. I love hummers. We had to get rid of our feeder because the squirrels and raccoons were tipping it over and drinking the sugar water. Every day...within a few hours. I'm going to plant some flowers the hummers like instead.

  2. Yeah, those furry forest critters can be troublesome. If you decide to try feeders again, maybe you could get a feeder pole with an anti-squirrel baffle. Those things work for conventional bird feeders, so they should work for hummingbird feeders, too.

    If the flowers work to attract them, though, try to get some pics. I'd like to see them. :)
