Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Started the mobi edit

I've started the "mobi edit" for the Buddy sequel.  This is where I upload the story to my Kindle and read through it, making notes along the way.  It's a tiresome, boring process, and no fun at all.  But it improves the book, and I consider it necessary, so I do it.

Actually, there are really only two parts of the writing process I enjoy, and neither involve any writing.  Here's the process I use:

1.  Idea for a story is formed in my mind.  Some notes are taken.
2.  Idea is explicitly outlined.
3.  First draft is written.
4.  First draft is gone over from the beginning and altered in the process, becoming the second draft.
5.  Second draft undergoes the mobi edit on my Kindle.
6.  Story is read back to me audibly and I correct any errors I hear.
7.  Finishing touches such as back matter are applied, and story is uploaded to KDP.

I like coming up with ideas.  And I like the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finish a story.  I like seeing the finished product.  But everything in between?  I really don't care for that.  You know... the actual writing part.  There are times when I enjoy writing that first draft, but those times are always tempered with impatience.  And, in the case of writer's block, frustration.

Does this make me unusual?  Other authors seem to enjoy crunching out the words.  *shrug*

In the end, I suppose it doesn't matter as long as I'm getting the job done.

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